8/23/2023 | Hurley News
New Look, Same Hurleys

It feels like a brand-new world here at Hurley Real Estate & Auctions because if you’re reading this, that means our new website is LIVE!!! WOOHOO! This has been a process and we are so grateful for the fresh new look and improved user interface. We recognize that change can be hard. We are often creatures of habit. But change can also be good, very good.
Changes to Expect
We’ve got new yard signs with new colors, new website layouts, and new ways of seeing our auctions. We continue to add new faces as our team grows and adapts to our current client’s needs.
Rest assured, we will continue to sell farms, homes, and land, along with personal property. Our real estate auctions are still mostly live and onsite, and we will continue to offer personal property for sale via live or online auctions.
Hurley Team Updates
It’s been just over 30 years now since Matt Hurley began his career in the real estate and auction industry and began serving the surrounding area with professional and attentive auction and real estate services. As he gained experience, he gained the support of a whole crew of family and friends.
Kaleb Hurley, his oldest son, has become his right-hand man in the business and is handling more and more in the company. (He happens to sound exactly like his dad on the phone, by the way—so don’t be surprised when you hear him say it’s Kaleb!) When home from college, Jacob and Willow Hurley also can be seen performing all types of duties and tasks preparing and planning for Real Estate Auctions. His daughters, wife, and parents are all an integral part of the daily life of Hurley Real Estate & Auctions. This business is held up by the love and integrity of this passionate and joyful family.

“It’s been a huge blessing to live this opportunity. I am humbled and honored to be a part of what this company and family has grown into. I cannot wait to see what it looks like in another 30 years!”
Founder | Auctioneer | Broker
Thank You
We value each of you. If you’ve taken the time to read this far, we know you are one of our loyal partners, clients, and/or friends—you are all an integral part of our business, and we pray that our family and business will continue to earn your trust as we serve the Mid-Atlantic region.