8/19/2024 | Hurley News

Myths & Misconceptions

Myth: I’ll lose money if I sell my property at auction.

NOPE! The truth is competitive bidding is the best value discovery tool out there. What is your property worth: what it’s listed at, or what someone is willing to pay for it? Additionally, Seller’s are protected by a confidential reserve. Stay posted for more myths & misconceptions, or call us today—you can grill us with your questions because we love sharing our auction success stories with you!


Video transcript:

Hi, Matt Hurley here with Hurley Real Estate and Auctions. Today, we’re going to talk about some myths and misconceptions in the auction industry. Number one, people think if I sell my property at auction, it may bring less than I want. Not true. You get to set a minimum and it’s called a reserve. If it doesn’t bring your price, you’re not obligated to sell.

The fact is many times because of the competitive bidding, most properties bring much more than what’s expected. There it is, the answer to myths and misconceptions about selling your property.